Ready to socialize IRL in 2022


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Ready to socialize IRL in 2022

Leap Social | 28 Jan, 2022

Socializing is a crucial part of staying physically and emotionally healthy. Studies indicate that those who are isolated are at risk of developing health and psychological conditions compared to those who have a healthy social life.

Unfortunately, the past year sent many people into a period of unwanted loneliness and isolation, especially teens and young adults. Connecting with distance friends, or finding a loved one has become just that much more difficult. While online and video have a special place, there is no connection like an IRL experience.

The problem is … how exactly do you do that? At this point, you may be accustomed to a more solitary way of life. While you may be craving in-person human interaction, that’s easier said than done. If you’re struggling to socialize, try easing yourself into it with these tips.

1. How comfortable are you?

Before you get together with anyone, it’s a good idea to check in with yourself and reevaluate your own personal boundaries.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regularly evaluates the safety of certain activities for vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the U.S., so check their website for the latest info.

As the pandemic enters the endemic phase, this is great news to start socializing once again with case numbers on a decline. If you have been feeling frustrated with your devices, you are not alone. 38% of Americans today state that they are actively trying to reduce the number of hours they spend on devices. And while work form home, e-learning, and other changes form the pandemic may stay for a long time, socializing becomes extremely difficult.

So decide what you are comfortable with, the world is opening up once again. Restaurants, bars, venues, party halls and even speed dating events are now being held to help you reconnect with the world.

*Note that your state or local government may have more specific restrictions, depending on where you live.

2. Reconnect with your core crew

There’s a good chance you haven’t seen some of your closest friends since March 2020. Now’s a good time to catch up in person on everything that went down over the past year.

Remember, your best friends know all your idiosyncrasies and won’t judge you for your messy house or disheveled work-from-home look. And when you rekindle old friendships, it usually feels like you were never apart!

3. Go on chore dates

Not every hangout has to be a huge bash. If you’re struggling to give up your newfound free time in order to socialize, why not choose a friend date that doubles as an errand? Here are some productive things that are just more fun with a friend:

Shopping for post-quarantine clothes
Returning online orders
Getting mani-pedis or haircuts
Grabbing a drink at a Leap Social event

4. Disconnected during covid?

It’s tough but many people around the world lost connections during lockdowns. And for those looking to connect, Leap Social offers a great way to find like minded people to meet and mingle with IRL. Leap Social events are designed do you help you socialize in network with people in your own community. A unique way to connect with people online as well as off-line to find a date or simply make a friend.

You can sign up for interesting events, and meet people in real life. If you find someone interesting you can speak with them right there at the party or on the app for the next seven days. Switch on dating mode, and you’ll be able to see everyone that is looking to date at that event as well.

5. Blend your online & in-real Life

You’ve been virtually engaged for over two years constantly, if there is a chance that you’ve made some new connections – It’s a good opportunity now meet in person. If the both of you are looking to find new friends together to expand your social circle, a social event is the right place to start. To experience entertainment, socialization and in real life experiences with other singles also looking to meet in person.

As you start socializing again, keep in mind that the pandemic has forced many people to reprioritize their lives. It has encouraged a renewed appreciation of friends and family. So don’t feel silly reaching out to strangers or acquaintances — you may find people are much more receptive to new friends than you’d expect.

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