Got questions?

Personalities First, Profiles Later®

What is Leap Social?
There’s more to life than swiping! We host fun in-person events to meet singles at happening venues to expand their social circle, make a friend, but more importantly – create chemistry in the real world.
Is Leap Social a dating app?
Yes, Leap social is an event-based social dating app/club. We host events ourselves and bring people together IRL but we also encourage other hosts to do the same, using our Personalities First, Profiles Later algorithms and processes. This allows us to help connect more people in the real world. We are a location based network. Would you call yelp a phonebook? you could… but is it?
How do I find events or Leap Partner hosts?
When you sign up, your location is used to select your home state. Vennues we host events at show up on the top. These venues may host 1 or many events with us, and Leap Social team is usually present at the event. The next upcoming events are available to see under it. You can also head over to the events tab and move the map to find events happening around you. Find an interesting venue? You can follow hosts/venue to stay updated on their next event to meet like minded personalities.
What are connections?
Leap Social comes to life when you attend events. Find an event to attend on the Leap App (Hint: We are new and growing, but we host events every weekend and 30% of our events are free, some even come with a free pint).

Once you check in, you will see suggestions of people you match with on the guestlist. You could say hi in-person, or send a msg online – totally up to you.

What does Leap Social Cost?
$0. You join in as a Leap member, discover interesting events, bar crawls, and unique experiences. RSVP for events (pay by the event or find a free one). If you match with any user, you can instantly connect online. As a Leap Member, you can sign up, attend events, meet people, match, and connect completely free. About time someone did this… 🥂
Okay, what are the events like?
Leap Social events are fun and engaging events. We encourage our users to loosen up and party with others looking for a great time. Most of our events have music, drinks, and experiences. One thing is for sure, conversations are guaranteed. Our events are built keeping introverts and extroverts in mind. Many times, these events are just casual bar’s and lounges where you can connect and share a pint. Other times they get engaging, with activities, hikes, or even yacht parties.
Can I attend more than one event?
You can attend as many events as you like, however our events are not video or tele-conferencing events. Our events are in-person events. So you will have to be physically present to check in at the event. If you RSVP for an event, you’ll have to check-in to get access to the guest list. We do not refund for no-shows.
Why is Leap Social different?
In the past 2 years, the average human increased screen time by 58% for non work related consumption. While technology enables great communications, the side effects of advancing technology makes it harder to find true connections. During the pandemic we questioned what it means to be truely social, if it makes us lonelier than before. While the pandemic will fade away, the effects of the pandemic will take over a decade to solve and finding like minded personalities is becoming harder and harder. So the team at Leap Social decided to take the red pill 👩‍💻 to bring a new meaning to a social networking. Instead of status updates and check-ins, we bring people together to celebrate life in-person. Instead of learning your interests to show you videos and eventually ads, we use a similar technology to bring people together for a fun event, a quick conversation .

We prioritized our users, thier freedom, thier experiences, and most importantly their individuality. And that’s why we broke loose from the video calls, quit our 8-7 and started Leap Social as a way to meet Personalities First, Profiles Later.
How do I get Leap Social?
Download it on the app store. Look for “Leap Social”
Have more questions ?
Contact us at support@Leapsocial.com